Did you know your eBay listings must have item specifics to appear in Google product search results?
- Brand
- Size (Clothing )
- Colour (Clothing )
Here’s a screen shot of how your product appears in Google product search
Google shopping product changes is now implemented (from 13th Feb) and will be complete by end of June 2013. Your eBay product result is still appearing and we don’t really know what is going to happen when it goes to Paid version.
One of Google Product Expert says
“There is nothing on the seller’s side that can be done;
except perhaps to ensure that the listing details meet
google’s policies so that products are not rejected by
google at the time ebay submits the listings.”
I had a chat with eBay Customer Service today and here’s the transcript and got no firm answer what is going to happen when paid service apply. So, for now just ensure all your listing has item specifics as mentioned above for your products to appear in Google product search.
If you have heard anything new please do me know.
[ Transcript ]
Karen Barry
Welcome to eBay Live Help, my name is Karen. How may I be of assistance?
Hi Karen
My question is regarding Changes in Google Shopping in the UK.
When it goes to Paid Version in Q2. Do we have to pay extra fees for our listings to be on Google Product Search ?
Karen Barry
Hi, Prabhat. I realise the importance of this matter to you. Please go ahead with your concern on this.
Karen Barry
Apologies. If I understand this correctly, you’d like your eBay listings to appear on Google Product Search and you’d like to know if there will be any extra fees for this. Is this right?
that’s correct
Karen Barry
Thank you for clarifying. Once you have listed a listing on eBay, it will automatically appear on Google search and there’s no extra fee.
Will it remain FREE after March 2013 ?
Karen Barry
May I know if you have a reference page for this informations?
Karen Barry
Thank you for the link. Please stay connected whilst I check on this.
Karen Barry
Let me just check this further.
First Paragraph Text “Google have announced that paid Google Product Listing Ads will replace free Google Product Search, with a transition period starting on 13 February 2013.”
Karen Barry
Thank you for patiently waiting. I can see from the link that you have provide that the page is not eBay related. On eBay process, once you have listed an item, it will automatically appear on eBay search. Based on the link and to confirm the information there, I suggest that you contact Google directly.
it is eBay related because at the moment ebay listings are appearing as Google Products are now free but it will change to paid version completely.
and we want to be sure if our eBay listings will still appear after that change
Karen Barry
Prabhat, I understand the importance of this. For us to further investigate on the ‘Google Shopping ’Pay to Play’ set for UK launch in 2013’, we will need to escalate this to our relevant team.
ok thanks
Karen Barry
You will be receiving an update on us, they have done checking on this.
ok thanks
Karen Barry
You’re most welcome. Thank you for your time and cooperation, Prabhat.