We all know eBay as a place to get bargains. It gets exciting when the auction we are bidding is ending. I love this excitement. I started bidding on eBay not long ago in 2009 and have always enjoyed looking for bargains. Throughout the years I have bought Pressies, parts for my car, household stuff and surprisingly rhubarb plants which is now growing healthy.
It is now my favourite shopping destination for anything I need. Now-a-days if I need anything and if I have not got time to wait I go for Fixed Price listings from business sellers. It is quick and easy !
I work with small businesses who are keen in increasing their sales on-line through eBay. Recently I stumbled upon an article by a very generous friend of mine, Chris on Tamebay. Thought I should make up few slides to put the message across that “Your business will only Grow if you are on eBay”.
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