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Amazon Strategies Amazon Training

Amazon Product Details Tips

Amazon Product Conent Tip

Customers browse through Amazon listings in an intention to buy your products. It is always good
to have a good product details. This becomes more important when you have won a buy box for a particular products. So, here’s three quick tips:

1. Include your main keywords on your product titles. Including brand name is only important if it is being searched.

2. Use bullet points to mention features of your products and include benefits as well. It is good to capitalise first letter of each points.

3. It is best to keep your description concise. Remember HTML codes that were allowed at one time does not apply any more. You can try <b> for bold <p> for paragraph change like this experiment listing.

It is also good idea to experiment any offers like buy 2 get 1 free.

If are looking learn how to sell on Amazon, Join us for Amazon Workshop in Swansea on 29th of June. 

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