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Amazon Strategies Amazon Training eBay Strategies eBay Training eCommerce

Online Seller Wales – Cardiff


OSW – Newport 25th March

Cardiff’s second FREE Online Seller Wales event! We are offering you a fantastic venue and exciting topics in Internet Retailing that will help you grow (or start!) your online business. Expect to meet like minded entrepreneurs and industry experts and hear the latest trends in the industry.

We have 45 places for Online Sellers,Agencies & Students. Book NOW!

Thursday, 15th May, 2014

6:30 pm – 21:00
Digital Cardiff Showcase, Cardiff Council County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, CF10 4UW

Eventbrite - Online Seller Wales - Newport

 1.      An eBay Seller’s Guide to Cassini Search 

35 Minutes ( 6:45 – 7:10 )

“One of the wonderful things about eBay is that if buyers are able to find what they want, then buyers are happy, and sellers, of course, are happy too because they are being connected to those buyers.” – Hugh Williams, eBay 

Cassini is a piece of technology that is really going to enable us to do that even better than we do today. eBay Cassini An eBay Seller's Guide to Cassini Searchsearch now live on all eBay sites. It is simply eBay’s search engine and understanding how it processes information will help you connect with your buyers. 

This talk aims to help you understand the facts on Cassini Search and how you can ensure that you are using it to your advantage.

Speaker: Dan Burnham has over 15 years’ experience of retail and ecommerce and currently leads the Account Management Team responsible for the management and business development of eSellerPro’s customers and partners. His focus is on building a world class customer experience and driving customer growth.

 Dan Burnham

2.  Amazon Repricer Inside and Out

25 Minutes ( 7:15 – 7:40 )

There are many factors affect to win a magical Amazon Buy Box and it is not only the price. It is very important to Amazon Repricer Inside and Outlearn how to get buy box as this means sales or no sales! Amazon Repricer can help you gain this buy box.However, all Repricers are not the same.

Most Repricer bases their decisions on other seller’s prices. However, there are some clever ones which learn sellers profile and change the prices only when needed to win Buy Box.

According to unconfirmed data Amazon Repricer is responsible for 80% of Amazon sales and this talk will help you understand how Amazon Repricer works and helps you to choose the best one that works for you.

3.  How to Increase your Sales with Google Shopping Ads ?

25 Minutes ( 7:45 – 8:10 )

Google Shopping Campaigns - Online Seller Wales - NewportEveryday, people search on Google for the best products from retailers large and small. With Product Listing Ads (PLA) on Google Shopping, people can browse a wide selection of products, finding high-quality imagery and relevant product information like brand and price. 

To make it easier for you to connect with these consumers and promote your products on Google, Shopping campaigns are being introduced, a new campaign type for PLAs. Shopping campaigns streamline how you manage and bid on your products, report on your performance, and find opportunities to grow your traffic from Google.

I have personally seen Google Product Listing Ad being a success and it is now top source of sales for quite a lot of on-line sellers in the UK. Free Voucher for All Attendees, For New Accounts Only.

If you are an Online Seller this is a must attend talk. This aims to help you understand what you can achieve in 2014 through Google Shopping Campaigns.

Speaker: Prabhat founded Online Seller Wales with an aim to educate online sellers in areas of marketplace (eBay, Amazon, Rakuten Play) and Digital Marketing.



4.  7 Trust Tweaks For Profitable Online Selling    

25 Minutes ( 8:15 – 8:40 )

Building a sustainable online business is much easier when your customers trust you. You keep customers longer – and they buy more. And your future business involves online conversation as much as it does conversion.

In this session, you’ll be taken through 7 online tweaks you can make, to build trust with customers faster and sooner.

Speaker: Philippa Davies is a psychologist and web editor, who helped integrate into the main business. She’s made an online shop, apps, e-books and vooks and she runs WordPress Users Wales. Author of 11 books, her self-published e-book ‘The Gritties’ is being made into a tv film.


Eventbrite - Online Seller Wales - Newport


How to Reach Cardiff Council County Hall?

  • By Train – A train service runs from Queen Street Station to Cardiff Bay Station leaving 4 times an hour in both directions. Please visit for details.
  • By Car – East – M4 junction 33, follow signs to Cardiff Bay ; West – M4 junction 29, follow signs to Cardiff Bay

Parking: Free parking available at Cardiff County Hall and in the Red Dragon Complex opposite where charges do apply. 

  • By Bus – The Bay Car Bus service leaves Central Station 7 days a week.  It runs through the city to Cardiff Bay every 10 minutes in the daytime and every 15 minutes at other times. Passengers arriving by rail can catch the Bay Car using their rail ticket at no extra charge. Please visit for details.
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