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eBay Strategies eBay Training

Would you like to hear how the successful marketplace businesses started?


I met Matt and Dave few weeks back through skype and had an opportunity to look into their idea of 3rd Generation Multi channel Software. I can’t see any reason why this cannot work for any SME as there are easy options to add on feature as you like. Recently I got message from Matt and here’s what Matt says – 

Would you like to hear how the successful marketplace businesses started?

Find out the real story, spoken by the business owners themselves, people just like you.

How they started, where they are right now, their expectations for Christmas, the challenges they’ve had & overcome and what they’ve got planned for the future.

I asked them all (there is 4 interviews available right now, more soon) the same question, “What one piece of advice would you give other business owners?“, the tips I received back were amazing.

There are four interviews live at and if you have an iTunes, you can download them immediately here.

In the interview published this morning (see here), you’ll hear how Ian went from clearing his house out, to a multi-million pound business and why he is expecting 50% growth this Christmas compared to last year.

You might be tucked away in your office, at home & at this time of the year it’s probably bordering on chaos. Escape this for half an hour with a cuppa or on the drive home and tune-in & hear from cool people just like you.

See you there,


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