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So What is Amazon’s new Return Dissatisfaction rate?

Amazon seller metrics is a good way of tracking performance and often we overlook this only to find our account Amazon Return Dissatifaction Ratesuspended because of one the metrics going below Amazon’s target. We have been seeing Return Dissatisfaction rate for sometime and there was a question asked if this affects your account health.

So what is Return Dissatisfaction rate?

Amazon says – “The Return Dissatisfaction Rate is the percentage of valid return requests that were not answered within 48 hours, were incorrectly rejected, or received negative customer feedback.” It measures how happy customer is with their return experience. It looks into three main areas once return is processed

  • Negative Return Feedback Rate
  • Late Response Rate
  • Invalid Rejection Rate

Does it affect your Account health or seller ratings?

Return Dissatisfaction Rate does not affect your account, and is not visible to customers. It is designed to capture the customer’s sentiment, which can sometimes change. If you feel that you did the right thing to a specific order but the customer is not aware of that or accidentally answered the survey differently than they meant to, feel free to reach out to the customer and ask that they re-take the survey by going back to the link in their email. Amazon counts the most recent response. 

Can high Return Dissatisfaction rate cause suspension?

Your account would not get suspended nor would your main metrics not get affected once your Return Dissatisfaction Rate is at risk.

The Return Dissatisfaction Rate is the percentage of valid return requests that were not answered within 48 hours, were incorrectly rejected or received negative customer feedback.

** I hope this clarifies more about Amazon’s new Return Dissatisfaction rate. If you have any question about Amazon’s metrics, please get in touch. We also provide Amazon account audit report which can be helpful to know more about how you can maintain or improve your Amazon account health.

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