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What I learnt from Amazon Sponsored Ads Webinar

Amazon sponsored Ads are very successful strategies to grow your sales on Amazon. Recently I attended Amazon hosted Sponsored Ads Webinar and listed below some key things I learnt. This will give you overview of sponsored ads.  If you have more specifics questions, please feel free to drop a line on

#1 Use both Automatic and Manual Ads. Decrease bid of automated ads after running manual campaigns. Automated ads are important because it captures customer trends and wider audience.

Manual campaigns do not display your products on product details pages. So, you will be missing out on product placement if you just run Manual campaigns.

#2 Group item based on product type to see reports on search terms together. This way you will see precisely which word converted which products.

#3 Cost Per Click ( CPC) you are charged based in auction. Suggested bid helps to find benchmark of cost per click and set maximum you are willing to pay.

#4 If you archive a campaign you cannot run it again in future.

#5 Running campaigns throughout the year is recommended.

#6 Sales are recorded only if sales happen within 7 days.

#7 Search terms report shows actual customer search terms. If we put similar products in one ad group we will be able to precisely measure which word converted which product.

#8 We see ASIN in search term report when customer clicked on our ad when it appeared on product pages.

Search for ASIN and use product brand name, item name, item category add as keyword on manual campaigns.

#9 First day impression and last day shows the demand of products.

#10 Other ASIN sales means customer clicked on one advertised items and ended up buying another ASIN. If buyer clicked on white sofa and ended of buying grey.

So, see other ASIN report and focus campaign for products that resulted sales and reduce bids for variants are not actually creating sales.

#11 Bid + is a special feature of manual campaigns which allows your products to appear in top of search terms. You will pay upto 50% more than current bid.

Use product placement report to find out Bid + performance.

#12 Types of keywords match type:

Broad Match: Words does not have to be in any particular order, includes common misspellings, plurals

Phrase Match: Orders of words are important, words before after keywords included, misspellings and plurals included

Exact: Has to be exactly the same, includes plurals and misspellings

#13 Increase your daily budget if you are happy with ACoS. Also Bid + is a good strategy to get continuous top of the search placement.

#14 Schedule your reports to get regular downloadable report.

#15 Same keyword on two campaigns does not compete and will raise bid.

I hope this helps you give quick insight on Amazon Sponsored Ads. I have been working on various Amazon accounts for the past few months and they certainly work. Here’s a snapshot of two accounts I work with.

Account A   < campaign sales vs total sales >

This chart shows sponsored ads brings in about 30% of sales in total.

Amazon Sponsored Ads - DaytodayeBay

Account B < spend, sales >

This chart shows spent is very is very less and often below 5% Advertising Cost of Sale ( ACoS ).

Amazon Sponsored Ads Management - DaytodayeBay

This shows Amazon advertising can perform very well and it is something that any business should consider. I’d love to answer any more questions you have, audit your current sponsored ads to show strengths and weakness and manage your sponsored ads for you.

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